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Kitchener Personal Injury Lawyer Defending People Suffering From Injuries Caused By Psychological Trauma.

Unfortunately in the society in which we live no one is exempt from going through a situation or event that endangers a person's physical or psychological integrity. These negative events generally occur abruptly and are unexpected and uncontrollable, so the victim in question, feeling unable to cope with the situation, experiences emotions and feelings that can have unfavorable consequences for their health, not only physically but also psychologically.

However, the pain and psychological damage that any person may experience as a result of a traumatic event are not always easy to understand due to the complexity of the different variables that interact within an event, but the consequences are palpable in the different areas in which the person develops (personal, family, work, social, school, etc.). Therefore, in any situation that generates some type of psychological trauma, the affected person has the right to seek the help and advice of an injury lawyer in Kitchener.
What are the most common traumatic events for which a personal injury lawyer in Kitchener can be called upon?
Traumatic events fall into two categories: 1) those where intentional and unjustified violence is caused by another person and 2) those where there was no "unspoken culprit," meaning there was no intent or negligence on the part of a third party and even no culprit. Some of them are detailed below:

Intentional traumatic events.

Any event in which a person's sense of security is lost, both in himself or herself and towards other people, generates a psychological impact in which the victim, to a certain extent, becomes a psychic cripple; and although it is ashamed to say it, until not long ago both medicine and criminal law had ignored the psychological damage that a person could present after experiencing some traumatic event caused by a third party because this, in simple terms, becomes an "invisible wound".

The most common intentional traumatic events for which you may see a Kitchener injury lawyer are: sexual assault, domestic violence, terrorism, kidnapping and/or torture, violent death of a child, and child abuse and maltreatment.

Unintentional traumatic events

Faced with this type of situation, victims usually unconsciously tend to resign themselves due to the causes and factors involved. However, the psychological damage that this type of eventuality can cause in victims cannot be minimized; rather, it is recommended to determine the severity of the emotional wounds to treat them appropriately. Within this category are accidents (road, work, etc.) and natural disasters.

In any case, the ABPC Law team will help you to evaluate the psychological damages caused by traumatic events too, firstly, plan the treatment that will help the victim to recover and secondly, but not less important, to be able to typify the damages criminally to establish an adequate compensation or to determine the work incapacity.