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Will Injury Lawyer Kitchener Hold Liability For Drunken Driving Collisions?

Drunk driving is one of the commonest causes of accidents out on the road. Here, the injury lawyer in Kitchener will establish the care duty of the driver when helping you to get the compensation. Alcohol intake is a part of celebrations related to weddings, birthdays, and any type of party, even during the funerals. Whether it is a backyard barbecue, happy hours at the restaurant, or a company party, people tend to indulge themselves. While, there is nothing wrong in this, problems occur when you become an irresponsible driver just because you are drunk. In keeping with all the negatives associated with drinking and driving, the law has severe penalties in place. When you are the victim of such an occurrence, your injury lawyer in Kitchener will guide you regarding the successive steps to take.

The law will punish drunk drivers at the criminal court no doubt but the victim will also be able to sue drunk drivers at the civil courts. Culpable parties might extend beyond drivers and might cover the people that have served the driver. Thus, it makes sense to identify the people responsible for drunken driving accidents. The social and the commercial hosts might have some liabilities as well. Personal Injury lawyer in Kitchener wants you to know that the liability laws related to commercial host covers any business like the taverns and the bars that sell the liquor. It is the responsibility of these businesses to make sure that the patrons do not harm anyone and themselves due to drinking heavily.

These establishments have special relations with customers. They are making money when the patrons consume the liquor that in turn impairs the judgment of the drinkers. The businesses have the responsibility to monitor patrons and not serve them when obviously drunk. Besides that they also have to take the necessary action and make sure that the customers do not hurt anyone or themselves. Injury lawyer in Kitchener might help you to sue the drinking establishment as well as the bartenders at the civil court. Many people have successfully earned compensations by pursuing such lawsuits. You cannot deny the liability of the social host when it comes to drunken driving.

Not everyone is drunk at restaurants or bars, social events might also prove to be quite debilitating. You might be celebrating the holidays, playing poker, or watching hockey games. Now, is the host responsible for the behavior of drunken guests especially when they drive the car and cause accidents? According to the Personal injury lawyer in Kitchener even the law is unclear in this scenario. As compared to the commercial host, the responsibility of your social host is not that serious. Still, in certain cases where the responsibility of the host goes beyond simply hosting a party where they serve alcohol, the situation might be different. To read more Click Here